Monday, October 1, 2007

Advancing women

Women in this world are withstanding the idealistic role society has upon them. Can women be a leading figure? Better yet, can they be as effective to become President? This is the current topic that is causing controversy and has even got the White House rumbling? Is America ready to demolish the trend of white upper-class men that has been ruling for over 200 years? There are many women out there encouraging others to support this idea for the upcoming 2008 election. Hilary Clinton has been heading her way through the country recently giving her opinion on what she envisions for the country along with her husband and former President Bill Clinton. The recent political debates concluded that all her opinions are not based upon her husbands but the perspective and the ego of a passionate woman who envisions changes in the United States. As a woman, she is becoming the stepping stones to others weather she wins the election or not, thus paving the way for other women to enter the battlefield of politics.

rising women (pro)

Many people still perceive the idiomatic scene that women should be home, cleaning and taking care of the children! Well, open your eyes the era has progressed and woman are getting their hands into positions that men have taken over for too long. Presidency! Who said that women can't be effective leaders? This is a total understatement to some. If you take a look around women are withholding every position that the United States imposes. Technological changes, contributes to people's change in mind and people in society as a whole come to a consensus that it is time for a women to take the "Golden opportunity" and encourage them to step forward. Why shouldn't they, other countries are doing it, why can't We? That’s right, in this prospect the country is lagging and we as a country need to overcome the old mentality and move with the flow! Hey... Hilary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice have taken the step to move into the office and work with the supreme men of the country but, women need to take the next step further and sink their feet down to earn the title in the White House ! I think its about time for the public to perceive this prospect and entitle a future running woman candidate to be crowned as Miss.President.